Night VFR Refresher Webinar – Recording of the Live Webinar


Night VFR Refresher Webinar – Recording from 27 August 2024 1800-2000 AEST

Recording will be provided the next day

Ideal for:

  • Pilots with a NVFR

  • Pilots studying for or currently undertaking their NVFR

Topics Covered:

  1. Review of NVFR Regulations:

    • Updates on current NVFR regulations

  2. Flight Planning:

    • Detailed overview of flight planning under NVFR

    • Filing NVFR flight plans

    • Understanding alternate airport requirements

  3. Navigation Systems:

    • Review of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) rules and procedures

    • Review of VOR and NDB

  4. Instrument Approach Procedures:

    • Detailed look at LSALT requirements and route planning

  5. Weather:

    • Understanding NVFR weather

    • Analyzing weather reports and forecasts relevant to NVFR operations

This course should help reinforce your knowledge and ensure you are up-to-date with the latest procedures and regulations. If you have any specific questions about the topics covered or need additional resources, feel free to ask!

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