For our training and private hire, we fly our own group-company owned, Cirrus Aircraft. We also have access to other aircraft across the Cessna piston range upon request.

  • Performance

    With 310 hp and a modern composite construction, the Cirrus SR22 has a maximum cruising speed of 183 KTAS and climbs at 1270 ft/min.

  • Luxury

    Our Cirrus aircraft are equipped with air-conditioning, luxury leather interior and USB charging ports.

  • Safety

    Cirrus Aircraft are incredibly safe, with airbag equipped seatbelts, Electronic Stability & Protection (ESP) and the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®).


The Cirrus SR22 is an extraordinary plane to fly for anyone looking for a private IFR or VFR machine. It is fast, comfortable, and has a great range. It has been described as the ‘Porsche of the sky’, being beautiful, quick and extremely luxurious.

TEAM Aviation has one SR22 G6 aircraft.

  • VH-YQF

    • 2022 Cirrus SR22 G6

    • Air-Conditioning

    • Supplemental Oxygen

    • Enhanced Vision System (EVS)

    • Global Connect


The Cirrus SR20 is the smaller sibling of the SR22. It is the perfect aircraft for flight training and shorter distance flights.

TEAM Aviation currently has one SR20 G3 and two SR20 G6 models.

  • VH-ZSZ

    • 2014 Cirrus SR20 G3

    • Air-conditioning

  • VH-YQB

    • 2022 Cirrus SR20 G6

    • Air-conditioning

  • VH-YQL

    • 2023 Cirrus SR20 G6

    • Air-Conditioning


We have the ability to tap into additional aircraft for private hire, charter and training opportunities. Reach out to us for your specific needs and we can find the right aircraft for your objectives.

For our Charter operations, we have a growing number of aircraft types available to meet the needs of our clients and the mission involved.

Our core fleet is the Cirrus SR22. All three of our SR22 aircraft are new or near-new current models, air-conditioned and perfect for up to 4 passengers.

For other missions and when expected to fly longer journeys, through adverse weather, or with additional payloads, we have other aircraft available for our charter operations.

Contact us to learn more about available aircraft for your mission.

“We believe that general aviation in Australia needs a change from 50 year old planes to advanced avionics, highly engineered engines and airframes and the highest level of safety. That’s what Cirrus Aircraft brought to the industry and that’s what TEAM Aviation is bringing to Australia”

— Alyce Johnson, Founder