Last updated on: 23 December 2021

The website (the “Website”) is managed and operated by TEAM Aviation Pty Ltd.

This Privacy Policy applies in relation to your use of

Here at TEAM Aviation Pty Ltd ("we" or "us"), we take your privacy seriously. We're committed to protecting the privacy of any personal data you give us and we will comply with all relevant data protection legislation.

We have a philosophy about the way we use the data you share with us and the way that we communicate with you. If you hear from us, we will always aim to be respectful, relevant and appropriate. If at any time you don't feel we've lived up to our philosophy, please let us know straight away by getting in touch with us by using the details set out below.

Please take the time to read this Privacy Policy as it is important for you to understand how we collect and use your data when you use This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and store the personal data you provide to us in relation to your use of the Website. References in this Privacy Policy to “personal data” mean data that relates to you and that identifies or can be used to identify you, which might be your name, email address, or other digital identifiers relating to you, such as cookies, IP addresses or logs.

The Website contains links to other third party websites. Obviously, we don't have any control over those websites and we cannot take any responsibility for any information you give them. Other sites have different privacy and security policies and terms and conditions, so we advise you to read them before using those sites.

For the purposes of data protection laws, Lane Aviation Pty Ltd is a “data controller” of personal data that is collected, used and/or otherwise processed in conjunction with the use of the Website. That means, among other things, that we control how the personal data relating to you that we hold is used, and we have certain obligations under data protection laws in doing so.

Our address is Lane Aviation Pty Ltd, Unit 10, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea, Qld, Australia, and you can contact the data protection officer by emailing

What personal data do we collect?

Contact information - if you request to engage with us we may collect your name, email address, telephone number or postal address.

Cookie data or similar technologies - When you browse our website we will collect certain information about your browsing behaviour where you have consented for cookies to be deployed. You can read more about the cookies that are applied on in our cookie policy.

What are our reasons for using your information?

We are pleased to give you access to the Website and, in return, we may collect, use and share your personal data. We will only use your personal data for our purposes in a manner permitted by applicable data protection legislation, which may include:

  • for our legitimate interests (for example to provide the Website and its features and in order to give you the best user experience);

  • where you have explicitly consented (for example, by actively signing up to receive the a proposal); or

  • where we are under a legal obligation to do so (for example in order to comply with applicable law).

By “legitimate interests”, we mean our interests in managing the Website and our relationship with you. We will make sure that we consider any potential impact that such use may have on you. Our legitimate interests will not automatically override your interests and we won’t use your information if we feel that your interests override ours (unless, of course, you provide your consent or we have a contractual or legal obligation to use your information in that way). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us using the details set out below.

What do we use your information for?

  • to help us make the Website and other related content available to you (please see the "Who do we share your information with?" section below for more information);

  • to make the Website more relevant for you and our other visitors. This includes sometimes requesting personal data from you to help us run and develop our site and associated functions and may also include matching data held about you across other initiatives we operate

  • to send you our newsletter if you have signed up to receive it;

  • to carry out occasional surveys to analyse our user base, ultimately we want to ensure that the Website provides everything that you, our audience is looking for;

  • to comply with the law; or

  • as we feel is necessary to prevent illegal activity or to protect our interests.

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We will only keep your information for as long as we need it. How long we keep it depends very much on the type of information we are holding and the purpose for which we need it (as well as complying with our legal obligations). For example if you have registered to receive the newsletter, we will keep your information while you are a subscriber to the newsletter so that we are able to provide that service to you, and then delete it after you have unsubscribed.

You can request that we delete your personal data at any time.

Who do we share your information with?

We may share your information with third parties only if:

  • we are required to do so to comply with a contractual obligation or legal requirement or with the directions of the courts or other authorities; or

  • we feel it is reasonably necessary to prevent illegal activity or to protect our interests; or

  • it helps our trusted third party service providers to carry out fulfillment of your requests such as if you request a quote and we need to pass information to our underwriters or to our partner, LANE Aviation Pty Ltd.

We contractually require these service providers to keep your personal data safe and secure. These trusted third parties would only be permitted to use your personal data for the purposes we specify.

We will never rent or sell our users’ details to any other organisation or individual.

How will we make sure our site is secure?

We follow strict security procedures to manage how your personal data is stored and used, and who sees it, and to help stop any unauthorised person getting hold of it. We take security extremely seriously but as no system is 100% secure, we can't completely guarantee the protection of your personal data, any more than any other organisation can. So we can't accept any liability for the loss, theft or misuse of the personal data which you've registered on the Website if there is a security breach.

What are my rights?

You have the following rights when it comes to our handling of your personal data:

  • Right of access – you have the right to request a copy of the personal data we have about you and to request supporting information explaining how the personal data is used. Please note that sometimes we may ask you to provide proof of identity before we show you your personal data - so we can prevent unauthorised access.

  • Right of rectification – you have the right to request that we rectify inaccurate personal data about you that we have.

  • Right of erasure – you have the right to request that we erase all personal data about you that we have (please note that we may be able to reject or restrict the request in some circumstances, depending on the information we hold and our lawful reason to keep it).

  • Right to restrict processing – in some situations, you have the right to request that we do not use the personal data you have provided (e.g. if you believe it to be inaccurate).

  • Right to object, including to direct marketing – you have the right to object to certain processing by us of your personal data (unless we have overriding compelling grounds to continue processing) and the right to object to direct marketing by us.

  • Right to data portability – you have the right to request that we provide you with certain information that you have provided to us in electronic format or to provide that information to a third party.

Please get in touch with us at the address below or via email if you would like to exercise any of these rights (including having access to your data):


For individuals based in the European Union:

Talk to us

If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy, just get in touch.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may change from time to time and, if it does, the most up-to-date version will apply and will always be available on this website.