Meet Marcelo - TEAM Instructor Profile

Meet Marcelo - one of our most experienced TEAM Aviation Instructors.

We interview Marcelo to find out what makes him so passionate about instructing, what got him into aviation in the first place, and why he loves the Cirrus!

Hey Marcelo! What got you into aviation?

I don’t remember a specific point where my love for airplanes started but I do remember when I was around 5-6 years old, my grandfather used to take me to the local Aero club in my hometown in Brazil on the weekends to have a look around.

What do you love about flying the Cirrus?

I love Cirrus because they offer an unprecedented level of safety and modern avionics to GA aircraft. Combine the safety and cutting-edge technology with the performance the SR series offer and you just have a great aircraft.

What are your qualifications?

I currently hold an Australian and FAA Commercial Pilots licence with Instrument rating. Flight instructor Grade 1 with instructor training approval, NVFR and spinning endorsements.

What was the moment you knew you’d made the right decision to become an instructor?

I think every time you see someone coming back from their first solo or back from their check ride with a smile on their face and that great sense of accomplishment it is so rewarding and that’s what makes it all worth it.

What is the most rewarding thing about instructing?

To me the most rewarding aspect of been a Flight Instructor is participating on a person’s journey towards their pilot’s licence by teaching and mentoring them. It is about sharing a passion that in most cases start when you are very young and most of us carry throughout our lives. I don’t remember my first teacher at school, but I do remember my first flight instructor.

What are you most proud of as an instructor?

I am most proud of my students, their efforts, and sacrifices to achieve their goals.

What do you do when you aren’t at work?

Most of the time I spend time with my family.

What is your dream plane to own/fly?

How can you choose an airplane? It’s like choosing between your kids, I love both, but I can’t choose just one.

P51D Mustang and SU 27 Flanker

Thanks for sharing your passion for aviation with us Marcelo!


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